Tuesday, July 31, 2007


You can now send messages to other people using applescript. Here's a remarkably useful script:

tell app "Adium"
if not exists chats whose contacts contain contact "applmak" then
make new chat with contacts {contact "applmak"} with new chat window
tell first chat whose contacts contain contact "applmak"
send message "Hi, Matt!"


Unknown said...

Is there a way with Adium and Applescript to configure the proxy setting under a specific account? While at work I have to use a proxy for the Chat client, but when I am home I don't need it. It would be nice to automate it through applescript so that I can just run the script and have it reconnect.

Big Guy said...

Is there a way to pass the contents of a newly received message in Adium to applescript? I want to sms messages when I am away from the laptop.

applmak said...

Sergey: No. Sadly. There's no way for AppleScript to access the contents of chats, yet.