Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Grapher, Part II

It also seems you can write:

\int_0^1 dx (something)

Also weird.

Grapher is cool, but

For the LIFE of me, I couldn't figure out how to make it perform an integral. I tried adding dx, and then ∂x, but nothing worked.

It's because the program expects the integral to have the same syntax as the summation. So, rather than (TeX notation)

\int_0^1 x dx

You are supposed to write:

\int_{x=0}^1 x

Hopefully, this will be helpful to anyone looking how to do some fanciness with Grapher.

SoC is over!

So quickly... Oh well. You'll see the new applescript system in Adium come version 1.2... Now we just need to merge the changes...