Monday, July 23, 2007

More status changes

You an now query for the status of an account. The result of this query is an enumerated value: available/away/invisible/offline

tell app "Adium"
  tell account 1
    if (get status type) is available

Status Changes

You can now tell any account to 'go online/offline/away/invisible'. That's nifty.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Not dead...

Just not very good at regular writings. Journals and the like.

I've updated Adium to get rid of this nasty bug that occurs when you tried to close a window programmatically. As it turns out, it's very possible that something in addTabItem (in AIMessageWindow(Controller?) is broken. The delegate isn't getting the required message. A [self _reloadContainedChats] did the trick, but it's just a quick fix, and not a real solution to the problem.